About the KANT
SystemThe KANT project, part of the Center for Machine Translation (CMT)
at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), was founded in 1989 for the research and
development of large-scale, practical translation systems for technical documentation.
KANT uses a controlled vocabulary and grammar for each source language, and explicit
yet focused semantic models for each technical domain to achieve very high accuracy
in translation. Designed for multilingual document production, KANT has been applied
to the domains of electric power utility management, heavy equipment technical
documentation, medical records, car manuals, and TV captions. The
KANTOO (kahn'-toe) project is an object-oriented C++ implementation of KANT
technology for machine translation. The KANTOO is designed to be a more robust,
efficient and maintainable version of KANT for commercial customers. Besides Analyzer
and Generator, KANTOO has an integrated set of support tools for efficient knowledge
maintenance/update. Back to
the LTI home page. PublicationsPapers are available in PostScript
and PDF formats. Send mail to Eric Nyberg if you have any problems with downloading
or printing. NOTE: For best results, please use Acrobat Reader 3.0
or better to view PDF files -- some files will not display using earlier versions
of Acrobat Reader. Papers are listed in chronological order.
Mitamura, Nyberg and Carbonell (1991) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"An Efficient Interlingua Translation System for Multi-lingual Document
Proceedings of the Third Machine Translation Summit
Carbonell, Mitamura and Nyberg (1992) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"The KANT Perspective: A Critique of Pure Transfer (and Pure Interlingua,
Pure Statistics, ...)"
Proceedings of TMI-92
Mitamura and Nyberg (1992) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Hierarchical Lexical Structure and Interpretive Mapping in Machine
Proceedings of COLING-92
Nyberg and Mitamura (1992) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"The KANT System: Fast, Accurate, High-Quality Translation in Practical
Proceedings of COLING-92
Mitamura, Nyberg and Carbonell (1993) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Automated Corpus Analysis and the Acquisition of Large, Multi-Lingual
Knowledge Bases for MT"
Proceedings of TMI-93
Lonsdale, D. (1994) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Extraction d'un vocabulaire bilingue: outils et méthodes"
Actes du Colloque Lexicologie, Terminologie et Traduction
Baker, Franz, Jordan, Mitamura and Nyberg (1994) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Coping With Ambiguity in a Large-Scale Machine Translation System"
Proceedings of COLING-94
Nyberg, Mitamura and Carbonell (1994) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Evaluation Metrics for Knowledge-Based Machine Translation"
Proceedings of COLING-94
Lonsdale, Franz and Leavitt (1994) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Large-scale Machine Translation: An Interlingua Approach"
Proceedings of IEAAIE-94
Leavitt, Lonsdale, and Franz (1994) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"A Reasoned Interlingua for Knowledge-Based Machine Translation"
Proceedings of CSCSI-94
Leavitt, Lonsdale, Keck, and Nyberg (1994) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Tooling the Lexicon Acquisition Process for Large-Scale KBMT"
Proceedings of TAI-94
Baker, Franz and Jordan (1994) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Coping With Ambiguity in Knowledge-based Natural Language Analysis"
Proceedings of FLAIRS-94
Mitamura and Nyberg (1995) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Controlled English for Knowledge-Based MT: Experience with the KANT
Proceedings of TMI-95
Lonsdale, Mitamura and Nyberg (1995) [
PostScript ]
"Acquisition of Large Lexicons for Practical Knowledge-Based MT"
Machine Translation, 9:3-4, Special Issue on Building Lexicons
for MT
Nyberg and Mitamura (1996) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Controlled Language and Knowledge-Based Machine Translation: Principles
and Practice"
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Controlled Language
Applications (CLAW '96)
Li, Nyberg and Carbonell (1996) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Chinese Sentence Generation in a Knowledge-Based Machine Translation
Technical Report CMU-CMT-96-148
Nyberg, Mitamura and Carbonell (1997) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"The KANT Machine Translation System: From R&D to Initial Deployment"
Presentation at LISA Workshop on Integrating Advanced Translation
Technology, Washington, D.C., June 3-4
Hakkani, Tür, Mitamura, Nyberg and Oflazer (1997) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Issues in Generating Turkish from Interlingua"
Technical Report CMU-CMT-97-152
Nyberg and Mitamura (1997) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"A Real-Time MT System for Translating Broadcast Captions"
Proceedings of MT Summit VI
Nyberg, Mitamura and Kamprath (1998) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"The KANT Translation System: From R&D to Large-Scale Deployment"
LISA Newsletter, Vol 2:1, March
Kamprath, Adolphson, Mitamura and Nyberg (1998) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Controlled Language for Multilingual Document Production: Experience
with Caterpillar Technical English"
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Controlled
Language Applications (CLAW '98)
Hakkani, Tür, Oflazer, Mitamura and Nyberg (1998) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"An English-to-Turkish Interlingual MT System"
Proceedings of AMTA-98
Czuba, Mitamura and Nyberg (1998) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
] [ On-Line Data ]
" Can Practical Interlinguas Be Used for Difficult Analysis Problems?"
Proceedings of AMTA-98 Workshop on Interlinguas
Mitamura, Nyberg, Torrejon and Igo (1999) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Multiple Strategies for Automatic Disambiguation in Technical Translation"
Proceedings of TMI-99
Mitamura (1999) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Controlled Language for Multilingual Machine Translation" (invited
Proceedings of MT Summit, 1999
Cavalli-Sforza, Soudi and Mitamura (2000) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Arabic Morphology Generation Using a Concatenative Strategy"
Proceedings of NAACL 2000
Cavalli-Sforza, Czuba, Mitamura and Nyberg (2000) [
PostScript ] [ PDF
"Challenges in Adapting an Interlingua for Bidirectional English-Italian
Machine Translation"
Proceedings of AMTA 2000
Nyberg and Mitamura (2000) [ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"The KANTOO Machine Translation Environment"
Proceedings of AMTA 2000
- Mitamura, Nyberg, Baker, Svoboda, Torrejon, and Duggan (2001)
[ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"The KANTOO MT System: Controlled Language Checker and Knowledge Maintenance
Proceedings of NAACL 2001 (Demonstration)
Mitamura, Nyberg, Torrejon, Svoboda and Baker (2001) [
PostScript ]
[ PDF ]
"Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in KANTOO English-to-Spanish Machine
Translation System"
Proceedings of MT Summit VIII
Mitamura and Nyberg (2001) [
PostScript ] [ PDF ]
"Automatic Rewriting for Controlled Language Translation"
Proceedings of the NLPRS 2001 Workshop on Automatic Paraphrasing:
Theory and Application
- Mitamura, Nyberg, Torrejon, Svoboda, Brunner and Baker (2002)
[ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in the KANTOO Multilingual Machine Translation
Proceedings of TMI 2002
- Nyberg, Mitamura, Baker, Svoboda, Peterson and Williams (2002)
[ PostScript
] [ PDF ]
"Deriving Semantic Knowledge from Descriptive Texts using an MT System"
Proceedings of AMTA 2002
- Mitamura, Baker, Nyberg, and Svoboda (2003) [
PostScript ][ PDF
"Diagnostics for Interactive Controlled Language Checking"
Proceedings of EAMT/CLAW 2003
- Mitamura, Baker, Svoboda and Nyberg (2003) [
PostScript ][
"Source Language Diagnostics for MT"
Proceedings of MT Summit IX
Last Updated 02-24-04 by ehn@cs.cmu.edu